Stepping Up to Help Fight COVID-19
When Melissa F. Neumann, MD, and her husband, James Crichton, made a $150,000 pledge earlier this year to the Laszlo Ormandy Professorship Fund in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at Duke University School of Medicine, they did not know how fast their gift would change its purpose.
Duke on the Forefront of COVID-19 Research
Researchers and staff at the Duke Human Vaccine Institute and the Duke Regional Biocontainment Laboratory are working around the clock to develop therapies and a vaccine to combat COVID-19.
Duke School of Nursing Innovates to Help Fight COVID-19
The Duke University School of Nursing's Health Innovation Lab is a collaborative space that brings together the professions of nursing, medicine, and engineering, to develop and test products for use in the patient care setting. This has become especially important during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Community Rallies for Duke Health
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to challenge hospitals, the Duke Health System is benefitting from the generous support of companies, groups, businesses, and individuals who are providing donations of critically needed Personal Protective Equipment and meals for Duke’s many front-line healthcare providers.