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We Win as a Team

Whether it’s redefining how we teach or discovering lifesaving cures, the challenges in 21st century biomedical science and health care are too big to solve alone. That’s why we bring together experts from all across campus and perspectives from within our community and beyond.

Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do. By working together for shared purposes — across disciplines, with our community partners, and alongside our patients — we achieve extraordinary outcomes and create lasting impact. Because when we win, we win as a team.

Fighting Fungal Pathogens
Among the risks posed by a rapidly changing climate is the threat of fungal pathogens. Fungal infections currently cause 1.5 million deaths worldwide, and rising temperatures have the potential to make pathogenic fungi still more dangerous.
Randall's Journey
In 2017, JaNiece and Randy Saladin were devastated to learn that their 8-month-old-son, Randall, had a brain tumor. Today, Randall is thriving thanks to support from the Duke Pediatric Neuro-oncology Program team and a breakthrough FDA-approved drug.
Finding Hope at Home
As Duke University School of Medicine global health researchers expand support for mental health, they are increasingly working with non-specialists including community health workers, youth leaders, religious leaders, and primary care physicians.

Inspirational Stories

Explore and Learn the Impact of our Philanthropy.

Image of members of the pediatric gastroenterology team laughing as a group