Trained and Protected

Morag MacLachlan

Carrie Mohagheghi, RN, BSN, CPN, CNIII

In a matter of days, Duke Health pediatric nurse Carrie Mohagheghi, RN, BSN, CPN, CNIII, estimates she's trained more than 60 people to properly don and doff personal protective equipment (PPE) to guard against the transmission of COVID-19. Mohagheghi works on the 5300 medical/surgical pediatric unit at Duke University Hospital, which is the floor where children with the novel coronavirus will receive their care.

“Once I was trained, I went to the COVID-19 resource page” on the intranet and began printing documents to create a notebook," says Mohagheghi. “I then trained the nurses working the day and night shift on the 5300, and I left instructions for the weekend shift along with my phone number. If we do this correctly, we will be well armed against COVID-19."

Getting properly trained is critical as the donning and doffing procedures for COVID-19 prevention differ from other infectious diseases. Not only is more PPE needed, but an observer must watch you prepare to enter and exit a patient's room. You also doff certain equipment in the ante room, or in the patient's room if no ante room is available.

“When I am training people, I tell them doffing is like playing the game Operation, when you'd hear that buzzer and see the red light when you touched the patient's skin," Mohagheghi said. “That's what doffing is like. You cannot touch yourself or your clothes."

Mohagheghi was committed to providing the trainings in-person so colleagues could ask questions. Word spread, and soon coworkers on other units, including the pediatric cardiac intensive care unit (PCICU), were also attending her trainings.

“Carrie has been crucial in getting staff trained and comfortable with the COVID-19 PPE and education," says Jennifer Quinn, RN, BSN, CNML, nurse manager of operations on the 5300 unit. “Patient and staff safety are her top priority, and it is appreciated."

Mohagheghi is just one of the front-line health care providers who benefit from your support of the Duke Health COVID-19 Response Funds.
