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Triangle Rock Clubs Owner Climbs Mountain of Metastatic Prostate Cancer

Joel Graybeal knows what it’s like to work at a business where people mean more than the bottom line. At Triangle Rock Clubs, where he is managing partner, employees find joy in helping clients climb their way to better health and fitness. Some of them even find their soul mates: the clubs’ colorful climbing terrains have served as backdrops for several marriage proposals.

Historic Gift Will Bring Proton Therapy to Duke
Colton Goodman of China Grove, North Carolina, was just 3 years old when he was referred to Duke after an MRI showed a growth behind his right eye. At Duke, he was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma, a life-threatening muscle tissue cancer that is most often seen in children.
The Road to Recovery
The May family made it through a harrowing injury with help from plenty of Duke friends.
Filiano Awarded Grant to Study Key Questions About Deadly Childhood Disease
Anthony Filiano, PhD, an assistant professor in the Duke Department of Neurosurgery, has received a $375,000 grant from the Rosenau Family Research Foundation for a three-year project titled, “Immune Responses in Peripheral Nerves After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplants for Krabbe.”
Patient’s Gift Launches Melanoma Survivorship Program
Prior to 2011, the life expectancy of an individual diagnosed with metastatic melanoma was generally measured in months. There were no good treatment options. Among patients diagnosed with stage 4 melanoma, 50% developed metastasis to the brain, and only 5% were still alive five years after diagnosis.

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