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Stopping the Spread
Dorothy Sipkins, MD, PhD, became fascinated by leukemia during her medical training. She remembers studying a biopsy from an elderly patient who had...
Exploring the Brain's Hidden Landscapes
Scott Soderling, PhD, is having trouble sleeping. It’s not that he lies awake plagued by worries or woes. On the contrary, the problem is that he’s...
A Humble Giant with Broad Shoulders
Samuel L. Katz, MD, described himself as merely a “young, enthusiastic, and naïve
pediatrician” who “came along at the right time, in the right...
Little Steps Toward Big Breakthroughs
The sun was barely up when Paul L. Modrich, PhD, heard his phone signal a text message. It was from a former post-doc, who had just heard the big news...
MEDx: Collaboration Writ Large
Nimmi Ramanujam, PhD, professor of biomedical engineering and global health, has invented several innovative technologies that address the needs of...
Gut Instincts
Lawrence David, PhD, studies this hidden world, the community of hundreds of different species of bacteria that make up each person's gut microbiome...
Following in Dr. Joe’s Footsteps
Growing up in Fairmont, West Virginia, James R. Urbaniak, MD’62, HS’62-’69, was an active and athletic boy who dreamed of playing professional...