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$2.1 Million Gift is Latest in the Mario Family's...
Mario and his family, through the Mario Family Foundation, recently made an important new gift that builds upon their past support and will nurture...

Elizabeth Harden M.D.’78: Investing in the Future of...
When Elizabeth Harden entered Duke School of Medicine in 1974, only 22 percent of medical school students in the U.S. were women. Harden found no such...

Tyler's Hope Foundation's Support Elevates Duke Dystonia...
This September, the Tyler’s Hope for a Dystonia Cure Foundation will officially recognize Duke Health as the country’s second Center of Excellence for...

An Extra Birthday
The color blue and butterflies always make Jamie Cooper Moales think of her late sister, Sara Elizabeth Cooper.

Retired Educator’s Estate Gift Will Support a Haven for...
A friend of Duke Health understands firsthand the struggle of being overweight. “Being overweight comes with a myriad of medical, physical, and...

Dissecting Disparities in Cancer Outcomes
Race, and how people are treated differently because of it, leads to major differences in health outcomes for cancer and other diseases. Tomi...

'G'Owen Strong' for Brain Tumor Research
Those who knew and loved Owen Strong describe him as tall, lanky, handsome, smart, happy, funny, and nice: in sum, befitting his 2018 Halloween...