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Meet Medical and Nursing Alumni

2016 DukeMed Alumni Awards - Christopher B. Newgard
A more than 30-year commitment to understanding human metabolic regulation has helped Christopher Newgard discover new insights and potential new therapies for metabolic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.
2016 DukeMed Alumni Awards - Kafui Dzirasa
Kafui Dzirasa’s work on neuro-engineering technologies is nothing short of revolutionary, which hold great promise for treating psychiatric illnesses.
The Power of Scholarships – Vicki Grossmann
Vicki Grossmann is director of the Good Shepherd Clinic and Children’s Home in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. She and her small medical team care for more than 2,000 indigent adults and orphan children a year.
The Power of Scholarships – Timothy Bouley
As founder and leader of the World Bank’s Climate Change and Health Program, Timothy Bouley works with governments to safeguard their health programming against potential detrimental effects of climate change.

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