
Mary Klotman, T’76, MD’80, HS’80-’85, the R.J. Reynolds Professor of Medicine, professor of pathology, and professor in molecular genetics and microbiology, last summer added another title when she was named the new dean of Duke University School of Medicine and vice chancellor for health affairs at Duke University.

Obliterating The Past

A young woman comes to a clinic in San Antonio, Texas, after her boyfriend goes to prison. She wants to begin a new life outside of the gang world they were part of. Before he went to prison, her boyfriend left reminders to ensure she would not forget him: his name tattooed on her breasts. She asks the doctor to help her start a new phase in life by removing the tattoos, but she can’t afford laser removal. 

The Toxic Cost of Cancer

Fumiko Chino, MD, a resident in radiation oncology, last summer co-authored research showing that the high cost of cancer care is a serious problem for many patients. 

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